Emily Timbol

Fiction Author. Good at making stuff up.

Christianity Today – “The Fruitful Callings of the Childless By Choice”


I am very pleased to share with you my first article for Christianity Today – “The Fruitful Callings of the Childless By Choice.”

Here’s a quote from the piece:

“If the essence of marriage isn’t procreation, then maybe we should re-examine the way we treat married Christians who choose not to be fruitful and multiply.

Skipping over a procreative opportunity isn’t a rejection of God’s purpose for me. When I think of what I was created for, what my purpose on this earth is, I don’t think of babies. While it’s entirely possible that my husband and I might change our minds in the future and have a child, or accidentally get pregnant and have that choice negated, becoming a mom won’t change my purpose.

My purpose is not determined by my ability or desire to reproduce.”


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